Peacebuilding Through Dialogue: A Case Study of Afghan Pakistan Track III Dialogue




Peace Building, Dialogue, Track III Dialogue, People to people connection, Afghanistan-Pakistan Bilateral Relations, Sustainable Peace


Peacebuilding is as sensitive an issue as it is important. Societies that have suffered localized or national conflicts are prone to lingering underlying tensions. Conflict transformation theory highlights that these tensions can be transformed through strategic interventions, one of which is dialogue. Dialogues enable conflicting parties to address preconceived notions and work toward mutual understanding, making them a valuable tool for policy practitioners in conflict-prone areas. This paper examines grassroots peacebuilding efforts between Pakistani locals and Afghan refugees, focusing on the role of dialogue in changing perceptions. The study uses convenience sampling to survey 70 participants, with a control group of 20, assessing the impact of dialogues on intergroup relations. Findings indicate that dialogues have a positive effect on participants’ perceptions and demonstrate a multiplier effect, influencing non-participants within the broader community. These results underscore the importance of dialogue in fostering sustainable peace between conflicting communities.

JEL Classification Codes: D74, F51


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How to Cite

Muhammad Talha Shakil. (2024). Peacebuilding Through Dialogue: A Case Study of Afghan Pakistan Track III Dialogue. Journal of Development Policy Research & Practice (JoDPRP), 8(1).


