Youth Development in Pakistan: A Provincial Analysis


  • Asif Javed Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan.



Youth, skill development, start-ups, e-commerce, SDGs.


The paper studies youth development in Pakistan from a provincial lens and examines policies and relevant measures of each province in this regard. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to education are also evaluated and it is observed that literacy rate remains low due to lack of access and quality education. There is not enough spending from provincial governments on the education sector. There is also dearth of technical and vocational training institutes at the provincial level which hampers skill development among youth. Lack of funds and outdated training materials are the main reasons for low enrolment in such institutes. Unemployment rate among youth needs to be curtailed by providing them ample opportunities and capacity building. It is recommended that more vocational training institutes should be established along with increasing their budgetary allocations. Career counseling centres at district level are also required.

The scope of this article is related to the following SDG / SDGs.


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Author Biography

Asif Javed, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan.




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How to Cite

Javed, A. (2020). Youth Development in Pakistan: A Provincial Analysis. Journal of Development Policy Research & Practice (JoDPRP), 4(1), 57–79.


